by  | Feb 24, 2022

Tips From the Experts: Productivity with Guest Expert Sophie Chiche

1. Do a brain dump.

Our brains are running out of space. Get it all out of your head and into a place where it can be meaningfully organized. Tools such as Trello and Asana free your mind from having to remember every detail of the things you want and need to do. Don’t let the amazing things your brain is capable of go to waste because it’s overloaded with simple storage functions.

“This is the least interesting way to use your brain… find a container where you can put everything, so that when it’s time to sit down and do work, it’s not like a pinball machine up there in your head, all over the place.”  

2. Don’t say yes when you mean no. 

Somewhere along the way, we made the decision that others are more important than us. So, we say yes to them too often, sometimes at a great cost. Consider saying no to others more as a way of lovingly saying yes to yourself.

“If someone asks you to do something in two weeks and right now you know that in two weeks, you really won’t want to do it, say no now.” 

3. Determine the very next step.

Climbing Mount Everest is not a one-and-done action. We buy shoes. We meet with someone who has done it to get good advice, we go for a walk, a longer one, then a steeper one. By breaking big things into small things, we accomplish them.

“Someone I was working with said, ‘I want to write a book.’ For 15 years he’d been writing the book! I said, ‘let’s break it down. Can you do 15 minutes brainstorming the title of your book? Can you do 15 minutes coming up with 3 titles for chapters?’ Six months later, it was done, because we kept asking, ‘what’s the next thing?’”

*Sophie’s quotes above are from our enlightening conversation with her on our podcast: The Right Questions Episode 29, Why Can’t I Get My Sh*t Done? Watch here.

Sophie is the Founder and CEO of BeCurrent, which is all about “helping people with lots of ideas execute the meaningful ones” and less of what you “have to do” and more of what you “want to do.” She is an entrepreneur, author, TEDx speaker, journalist, and psychologist. Her work has been featured on Ellen, Good Morning America, E!, The Today Show, and in the NY Times, the LA Times, and The Huffington Post.

Visit Sophie’s Website for more Info.