We all have cravings and urges to do (or overdo) things that we know aren’t in our best interest. What is it for you… Sweets? Wine? Yelling at the kids? Working too many hours to avoid difficult feelings?

I want to help you understand how you’ve wired a reward system into your brain that causes you to give in to those cravings. I also want to help you see that you can rewire your brain to unlearn that reward system and choose not to give in to the cravings.

You know what you really want. And you have all the power to make the choices that will allow you to live the life you dream of in 2020. I’d love to help.

Join me on Saturday, January 11, 2019
from 10 am – 11 am
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/43291461

for this one-time free Zoom session to learn about curbing your cravings.

Please RSVP by emailing me by January 10 at bridget@sampsoncoachingandconsulting.com to let me know that you’re planning to attend. If you don’t have Zoom, you can download it for free here.