One of the first gifts my Master Coach, Sue Sussman, introduced in ICF coach training was the idea of ‘dancing in the moment.’ From a coaching perspective, this means being mindful of the details (the doing) and the big picture (the being), never losing sight of that for our client, ensuring both are properly attended to. This powerful concept resonates with me, both as a coach and as a simple individual, navigating life as well as I possibly can with the tools I have acquired.

I realize that when I’m able to dance in the moment for myself, in my personal intimate relationships with my partner, kids, family and friends… When I’m able to dance in the moment with my daily tasks, obligations, wants and expectations… When I’m able to dance in the moment with my colleagues, my ambitions, my fears, my ego, my mind, my emotions… I unlock and develop new parts of myself and become a more impactful human on the planet. I’m more open, more tuned-in, more empathetic, compassionate, creative, resourceful, giving, hopeful, humble, courageous, joyous, and the list goes on!

‘Dancing in the moment’ in 2020 meant pivoting at work and at home (even at the gym). And, like most of you, work and home (and the gym) became one in the same on that night back in March! When I remind myself to zoom in and out, between the ‘being’ and the ‘doing’, when I can ‘dance in the moment’ for real, I find genuine gratitude for all of 2020: the loss, the grief, the gains, the perspective. The idea and practice of ‘dancing in the moment’ has brought me such relief, my hope is that it does the same for you!

With the holidays having just gone by, ask yourself, what was your relationship like with ‘being’ and ‘doing’ these last 3 weeks? At work, at the hospital, delivering food, at the grocery checkout, lighting candles, stringing and seeing the lights, dressing the tree or the bird, shopping, accepting and giving gifts, time spent with the kids, maybe the in-laws, the ball drop, some fireworks… Were you cherishing what was actually there in the moment rather than what you believed should have been? How present were you? How mindful were you?

‘Dancing in the moment’ invites us to be more mindful of our relationship with ‘being’ and ‘doing’ and the impact of this relationship on ourselves and others.

Heading into 2021, my mindset is optimistic, hopeful, and excited, with gratitude for the lessons and gifts of 2020. I’m filled with reverence for those we have lost and for so many that are, in this very moment, suffering mentally, physically, and financially! Grief looms large for many, a reality not lost on me.

And, NOW IT’S NOW! I’m inviting you to dance with me, in this moment, and into 2021 to embrace whatever unfolds! I’m excited for all of us. With love and gratitude, please join me!