I was in awe of my dynamic, authentic, super-knowledgeable co-facilitator at Google as we led the two-day new manager training program together. What a dream it was to be teaching such powerful Google leadership content in a fully equipped, high-tech learning space in New York City, high above Chelsea Market, with a stunning view of the city skyline.

We had only just met in person, but we quickly bonded during breaks over talk of career aspirations, balancing work and family, and self-care practices. As a woman who wants to lift all women up to untap the greatness within them, and who also loves to learn from other women’s experiences, I crave this kind of genuine connection. I teared up that day when she told me that she was pregnant for the first time, remembering that magical, wondrous time in my own life, so many years earlier.

Each mini chat took us deeper into more personal topics, and soon we found ourselves diving into new and exciting conversation around our shared passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a white woman talking with a woman of color, I am always hoping to convey that I’m aware of my privilege and the unfairness of it… and that I am dedicated to doing work to create a world where true equity exists… something we are so far from now.

Somehow, even though I had never done this before, and still almost never do it now in professional settings, at some point, I felt safe enough to share something especially personal with her. I told her about my family’s journey through our transgender daughter’s transition. Her compassionate response sparked a small boost in my trust in the inherent kindness of humanity. If you want to learn more about some of the humbling lessons I learned and mistakes I made with my daughter, you can read an article I wrote about it on Medium, called What To Do When Your Kid Comes Out as Transgender.

Then my co-facilitator said the thing that changed everything…. “You should get certified in Google’s #IamRemarkable empowerment program! You would be perfect for it!”

“What’s #IamRemarkable?” I asked, with intrigue and excitement. And that’s how it all started for me.

Fast forward… well over a year later… I am proud and honored to be certified in #IamRemarkable, a Google empowerment initiative for women and underrepresented groups. I’ve facilitated the workshop several times now, online and in-person, and with all my heart, I want to share it widely. Please join me in this effort.

If you want to know what #IamRemarkable is… check out their beautiful website https://iamremarkable.withgoogle.com/

And, I’d love to have you attend my free online #IamRemarkable workshop on Zoom on March 8, International Women’s Day, from 10 am-11:00 am pst!

Here’s the Zoom link for the workshop: https://zoom.us/j/673070097

Please rsvp by email to let me know you’ll be there: bridget@sampsoncoachingandconsulting.com.

Please feel free to share this and invite friends too!

All my love,
