Some inspiring TED talks, podcasts, and books that Bridget recommends…

TED talks

1. The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor

2. My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor

3. Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are


1. The Life Coach School Podcast by Brooke Castillo

2. Thinner Peace by Dr. Deb Butler


Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

I was captivated by the epic tale of Phil Knight’s meteoric rise from selling shoes out of the trunk of his car to becoming the founder of the most iconic athletic shoe brand in the world, Nike.

I found some of Phil’s moves courageous, others questionable, and many profoundly inspiring. His unwavering drive to succeed despite countless failures reminded me that I can always keep going in the face of challenges too. But what surprised me the most about this gripping memoir was Phil’s willingness to bear his soul – his fears, self-doubt, despair, loss, mistakes, and much more. A glimpse inside the heart and mind of such a giant showed me that we are all flawed, fabulous human beings at our core.

Show Dog by Phil Knight Image

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

As a die-hard Brené fan, I expected a lot from this book and it did not disappoint. Dr. Brown always offers the perfect blend of extensive academic research combined with her deeply moving personal stories and examples. Brené’s vulnerability and brilliance capture my heart and mind in new ways with every new book she writes.

This modern take on leadership emphasizes service, kindness, clarity, transparency, inclusiveness, and compassionate honesty – even in the toughest of conversations. The following quote from Dare to Lead summarizes the spirit of the book, which can be a game-changer for anyone who is interested in being a better leader – whether at work or at home: “If we want people to fully show up, to bring their whole selves, including their unarmored, whole hearts—so that we can innovate, solve problems, and serve people—we have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.”